You make the difference!

You make the difference!
Every time you participate in an event that brings about awareness, YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE! When you attend local fundraising functions, invite others to come with you, and spread the word about what is happening in the world of CF, YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE! If you could influence just one person to donate a dollar and that person could ask another person, YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE! The more people that are aware, the more attention that is paid to this disease, the more funding that follows. It is a blunt reality, but a reality nonetheless. There are many great organizations out there that have been working for a very long time to make a difference, and it is evident to those of us living with the daily battles of CF that progress is being made. We are hopeful. The therapies are getting better, the discoveries are evolving into working models, and yet, for the first time in history, the potential scientific breakthroughs are outpacing the ability to fund them. That is why we NEED YOUR HELP.



We have been beyond blessed with the outpouring of support we have recieved from our families, our friends, and total strangers. Some of the kindest and most giving people have been found in the most unexpected places. I would like to recognize their efforts and honor those who come forth year after year to give of the their time and money. There are not enough words to express to you how deeply you have touched my heart… thank you so very much…